Everything we believe in, revolves around connection

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Clubhouse member! Please know we are in the midst of our busiest onboarding time of the year so it may take a little while to get your pup scheduled for a consult with us. Please click the link above to get the ball rolling, and we will follow up with you as soon as we can!


The pack adventure

We bring dogs on structured adventures both locally, and out of town where they can explore with the pack, stretch their legs to run, hike, or swim. Our mission is to provide your dog with a safe adventure that stimulates them physically AND mentally, while encouraging their pack drive and connection to their Pack Leader.

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What Is Dog Psychology?

Dogs communicate with their energy and body. Every little gesture, and glance means something in the dog world. Through observation of these actions, we are able to observe how they ask for space, how they ask for play, how they let us know they are nervous about something…

Learn More About Dog Psychology »


Our Philosophy

Everything we believe in, revolves around connection. Canine Clubhouse seeks to build a connected bond with your dog. As Pack Leaders, we honor this connection above everything else.


I go to nature to be soothed and healed and to have my senses put in order

— John Burroughs